- Building a Sustainable Future
- Reducing Green House Gas Emissions
- Maximising Renewable Energy Adoption
Building a Sustainable Future
Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities are designed with Sustainable Manufacturing Excellence in mind. Our production equipment, utilities, and auxiliary systems are designed with a life cycle approach to ensure minimal environmental footprint.
Reducing Green House Gas Emissions
Our high energy-consuming Compressors and HVAC systems at our Hosur EMS facility are equipped with premium efficiency IE3 and IE4-rated motors, helping improve energy efficiency by 10% over conventional systems. This enables us to reduce more than 15,553 MT of Carbon emissions per year. Achieved Carbon Neutrality in Scope 2 Emissions through procurement of iREC’s of 1,54,015 MWH for the period Oct-23 to Oct-24.
More than 45,000 employees across all plants use 365 company provided buses for commute resulting in reduction of Scope 3 Emissions.
Maximising Renewable Energy Adoption
We have already installed 6.64 MW of solar rooftop at our existing facilities and an additional 5.0 MW of solar rooftop is currently under installation at the Hosur facility.
- Towards Water Neutrality
- Green Building Certifications
- Zero Waste to Landfill
Towards Water Neutrality
Our EMS facilities follow a Zero Liquid Discharge approach, and we recycle more than 6,50,000 KL of wastewater every year through advanced effluent recycling plants. We also have extensive rainwater collection and utilization systems at our manufacturing units to minimize dependency on external water resources.
Green Building Certifications
The Hosur facility has been certified as a Platinum rated Green Factory by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC).
Zero Waste to Landfill
We have ensured that all our existing and upcoming facilities are designed for Zero Waste to landfill. We diverted 396 MT of hazardous waste from landfill through co-processing in FY 2023-24.
- Shaping a Greener Tomorrow
Shaping a Greener Tomorrow
As an integral part of the Tata legacy, we are committed to match global benchmarks in adopting sustainable business practices to conserve nature and biodiversity. We have already initiated the implementation of a 100-acre Eco Restoration project within our Hosur facility through development of 5 depleted Ecosystems leading to conservation of 91 types of native species.
This initiative include planting of 31,000 + trees resulting in reduction of 5,00,000 Kgs of CO2 Emissions / Annum and expansion of natural water bodies by utilizing the storm water runoff.
We are also actively engaged in revitalizing surrounding lakes that would result in augmentation of water resources and protection of migratory bird species.
Our biodiversity initiatives are dedicated to conserving native plants and trees spread over hundreds of acres around our facilities.